by Laura Mertz

Annual Oyster Roast
The restaurant/bar I worked at for many years, The Grill at Patterson and Libbie, hosts an event every year called The Oyster Roast. It's basically a big party with free oysters, barbecue, and other food items. We also offer drink discounts on beer and liquor. In 2017 I was asked to design a t-shirt for this event that would be worn by the employees and was available for purchase.
My design was originally in color but at the last minute I had to change it to greyscale because it was too expensive to print in color.
People really liked the shirts and they all sold out that day. One of the owners of our whole restaurant group (pictured) wears the shirt all the time so she modeled for me.
I was asked to design a shirt again the next two years in a row, which are pictured in the bottom row of photos.